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Certificate of Development in BIM, Part 2 Laser Scanning for Certification (CD50260)

Part 2 of CD-BIM that helps the user understand laser scanning on a micro and macro level.
  • Laser Training Module 01_001 Scanner Hardware
  • Laser Training Module 01_002 Scanner Hardware
  • Laser Training Module 01_003 Maintenance & Safety
  • Laser Training Module 01_004 Scanner Interface
  • Laser Training Module 01_005 Preparing Scan Projects
  • Laser Training Module 01_006 Scan Parameters
  • Laser Training Module 01 Using The Scanner Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 02_001 Scanning Considerations
  • Laser Training Module 02_002 Registration
  • Laser Training Module 02_003 Scanner Positions
  • Laser Training Module 02_004 Target Arrangements
  • Laser Training Module 02_005 Scanning Strategies
  • Laser Training Module 02_006 Scanning Strategies
  • Laser Training Module 02 Project Planning Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 03_001 SCENE Interface
  • Laser Training Module 03_002 Registration Settings
  • Laser Training Module 03_003 Registration Results
  • Laser Training Module 03_004 Navigating the Project
  • Laser Training Module 03_005 View Project
  • Laser Training Module 03 Targetless Registration Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 04_001 Target Registration
  • Laser Training Module 04 Target Registration Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 05_001 Filters
  • Laser Training Module 05_002 Clipping Boxes
  • Laser Training Module 05_003 Selecting Scan Points
  • Laser Training Module 05_004 Measuring
  • Laser Training Module 05 Filters & Tools Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 06_001 Manual Registration
  • Laser Training Module 06 Manual Registration Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 07_001 Visual Registration
  • Laser Training Module 07 Visual Registration Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 08_001 On-Site Registration
  • Laser Training Module 08 On-Site Registration Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 09 001 Aligning Scans
  • Laser Training Module 09 Aligning Scans To CAD Coordinates Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 10_001 Orthophoto App
  • Laser Training Module 10 Orthophoto App Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 11_001 Retaking Pictures
  • Laser Training Module 11 Retaking Pictures Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 12_001 Geo Referencing Using Survey Data
  • Laser Training Module 12 Geo Referencing Using Survey Data Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 13_001 Detailed Scans
  • Laser Training Module 13 Detailed Scans Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 14_001 Mesh
  • Laser Training Module 14 Mesh Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 15_001 Project Point Cloud
  • Laser Training Module 15 Project Point Cloud Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 16_001 Export
  • Laser Training Module 16 Export Quiz
  • Laser Training Module 17_001 Conclusion
  • Laser Training Module 01-16 Final Test
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever